About CBD

CBD - Regulator Of Homeostasis

Dose is dependent on condition and weight - get in touch with me - jo@hempine.co.uk or 07929 200 305 - I'm always happy to help!

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a natural and safe cannabinoid, found most abundantly in hemp flowers. 

It is non-addictive, and non-psychoactive (it can't get you high!).

CBD works by binding to cannabinoid receptors in the endocannabinoid system (ECS). The main role of the ECS is to regulate homeostasis, which means to restore balance. It is involved in a variety of physiological processes, including regulating pain and inflammation, cardiovascular and digestive health, cognitive and memory functions, immunity, and lots more.  All mammals have an ECS, but not all mammals have sufficient cannabinoids in their system, which is where supplementation can come in.

Hempine CBD is sourced from the flowers of Organic hemp plants, which is the highest quality CBD possible.

What Are The Effects And Benefits Of CBD?

Hempine CBD helps with:
  • Anxiety (calming)
  • Inflammation and pain relief
  • Arthritis
  • Gastrointestinal issues (ulcers, inflammation)
  • Boosting the immune system (prevent against sickness and disease)
  • Anti-nausea
  • Improving overall health (by maintaining homeostasis / balance)
  • Nutritional Benefits (Vitamins A, D, E, and K, Omega-3 & Omega-6, plus lots more!)
  • Seizures
  • Joint mobility
  • Appetite regulation


Is CBD Safe?

Yes, very. Studies show that cannabidiol administration is safe and non-toxic, and does not affect physiological parameters like heart rate, body temperature or blood pressure. 

No signs of toxicity or serious side effects have been observed following chronic administration of cannabidiol to healthy human volunteers, even in large acute doses of 700 mg/day.

Hempine CBD products are independently laboratory tested.


Is CBD Legal?

Yes - Hempine CBD products are 100% legal as they contain only trace amounts of THC.

How Do I Know If Your CBD Is Good Quality?

We use only the highest possible quality CBD in our products - sourced from Organic hemp flowers and infused in organic coconut oil for superior CBD absorption. Hempine CBD contains the Full Spectrum of cannabinoids, giving a synergistic healing effect. All our batches are 3rd party lab-tested to ensure accurate CBD concentration levels, and only trace amounts of THC.

What is the best CBD product?

Hempine coconut oil infusions (pouches and tubs) have the highest bioavailability and potency, giving the most health benefits. A powder-like consistency, this can be added to meals, split between morning and evening. 

Further reading


"Wow - Hempine is fantastic! I have been using their CBD for 2 weeks now with amazing results." Jaki Potts (Essex)

"I'm overjoyed and wish I'd woken up earlier to this natural aid."  Sarah Somerville (Facebook review)
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